DocumentationAPI Reference

If the merchant adheres to the requirements of PCI DSS SAQ-A-EP, card details may be added to the checkout, authorize, and/or openContract request in the card query string parameter, separate from the main request body. Consequently, the card details are not included in the signature calculation. Card details may also be passed to Reach via the Stash request.

NumberstringYesThe card number, without punctuation or whitespace.
NamestringYesThe name of the cardholder as it appears on the card.
ExpiryobjectYesThe expiration date of the card.
> YearintegerYesThe expiry year, unabbreviated (ex. 2020).
> MonthintegerYesThe expiry month, 1-12.
VerificationCodestringNoThe card verification code. Although these are typically digits, leading zeros are significant so this must be transmitted as a string. This may be omitted only if PreviousNetworkPaymentReference is specified.
PreviousNetworkPaymentReferencestringNoIf the card details are from a vault, the card network payment reference (e.g. VISA transaction id) of a previous payment using the same card. This can be used in lieu of a VerificationCode.